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May 07, 2009


Toronto Basement Renovations

Good luck with the renovation techniques! I love how arches create such a cozy look and feel in a home, I saw beautiful archway complete with natural in your home.


For sure, fake "natural stone" applications are looking very good, yet they are much more affordable and doable as DIY projects. I recently get made new fireplace mantel, using for finish so called "stone veneer", NeoWall brand, that actually just are very thick tiles. I have some pictures at www.diyillustrated.com/?p=129 to illustrate my project.



It would be best to offset the pier and rest the beams only on the concrete. Yes, a properly done stone veneer has structural capacity, but veneers have the potential to let loose or fall off down the road, so its best not to treat stone veneer as a decorative but not a load carrying element.

Good luck,


Mark Landry

Tel 508-533-8393
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On Sep 27, 2009, at 11:35 AM, [email protected] wrote:


I am working on a similar detail for piers supporting an enclosed porch. The client wants the look of stone piers so we are pouring concrete piers with a 4" shelf for the stone. My question is: There are (3) 2x10 beams that sit on the piers. The beam rests on both the stone and the concrete (they do not want the stone to sit proud of the structure). Does the stone provide the same support as the rest of the pier, or does the beam need to be offset the 4" and rest only on the concrete pier?

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